Wednesday, August 10, 2022

What is Wrong With CMS?

3 Superintendents in five years?

Now weeks before the start of the school year they are 352 Teachers Short?

How bad are things at Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools?

How messed up is the CMS Board?

Here are the public (parent) school calendars for the Charlotte Latin School, Country Day School and CMS for the 2022-2023 School Year.

So you tell me - which organization is an out of control clown car? 

Charlotte Latin's School Calendar:

Charlotte Country Day's School Calendar:

And Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Calendar:

Hey maybe I'm wrong so you tell me. But to me this bizarre mess from CMS is insane.


Anonymous said...

When is ewarrants going to be fixed? This shit is a fucking disaster.

Anonymous said...

If I had to teach in CMS, I would need a ton of days off too. This is all descended from the teachers' union and lobby influence in Raleigh and beyond.

I would put a third graders' test scores from Latin against any random seventh grader at CMS.

Anonymous said...

7:02… as usual. You’re an idiot. There is no teachers union in NC just like there’s no police union. It’s a right to work state. Unions have little to no power here. Anytime I see someone commenting on a teachers union or a police union here in NC, I can only think what a dumbass they are.

PS… it would be nice to have a real union, police, teacher, etc etc, If only…..sigh

Anonymous said...

Charlotte departments have over 1000 job openings. Why are we still giving out food stamps and CHA vouchers?

Put these people to work in North Tryon Div or Metro Div as teachers or officers!

Anonymous said...

Of course NC is a right to work state, and there is no union membership among teachers, but if you don't think the NCAE has not had its claws so deep in Jones St for years, then you aren't paying attention. They lobby the states to mandate all those days off. And ultimately, they are responsible for the loads of uneducated adults they turn out from the school system. This is the same group that pushes CRT and gender fluidity as well, and every legislator in blue loves them. Teachers union/teachers lobby. Cousins/semantics. They are sucking you blind. What would the union do for you? Defend the teachers who molest the kids in their care?

Anonymous said...

Education has always had weirdos in the building, just like cops.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that if CMS can't put together a simple and straight forward school calendar how can they possibly teach kids anything? I'm fairly certain that was also CP's point.

Anonymous said...

Every Aug 1st they announce hundreds of positions to fill.what the hell do they do all year long? My niece was offered a job to teach in CMS about 10 years ago by a principal but had to wait for approval from the central office which never came

Anonymous said...

So what your saying is Charlotte is a city full poorly run gov agencies?

I can’t believe that!

Anonymous said...

There is a common denominator involving all of these Charlotte agencies…..maybe it’s just a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

^^. Yeah. It’s all then damn Chinese people we got running things in our city….. oh wait, they’re not Chinese haha. They’re African American. My mistake.

Anonymous said...

I knew a cop that wanted to quit CMPD. He got scared and didn’t do it.

Anonymous said...

That CMS Calendar has been that way forever I doubt they will change it. Ever if they did it would just be more complex and nonsensical.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the State dictates the first and last day of schools. The counties then have to do their best to fit in the required workdays, annual leave, holidays and 184 (may have changed) classroom days. It often results in this scary calendar. Feel free to look at the calendar from UCPS.