Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Vi Lyles Clown Car Circles Aimlessly

Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles has been silent on crime, seldom acknowledging or addressing the endless wave of escalating Black on Black violence that has plagued Charlotte over the last three years.

Finally on Tuesday she decided to address citizens concerns via a highly edited WBTV News sound bite but not without blaming violent crime on systemic racism

Mayor: “This one of the most difficult issues that we’re experiencing now, this idea around violence"

WBTV Voice Over: 

According to Charlotte Mecklenburg Police, violent crime in the city of Charlotte is up by two percent.

Mayor: “The ages of the victims and suspects are getting younger"

WBTV Reporter: What would you tell that teen who thinks violence is the answer?

Mayor: "I say violence, makes you angrier. Violence is a way of expressing something that’s very negative. And you don’t have to be that."

WBTV Voice Over: 

When it comes to gun violence, 118 juveniles have been suspects of firearm‐related offenses, according to CMPD. There have been 482 juvenile victims.

Last month, this 9-year-old pleading for everyone to put the guns down after his 14-year-old brother was murdered in Charlotte caught the attention of city leaders.

Mayor: "It’s more distressing than anyone can imagine. Watching you on the news and describing these events. It just devastates me, but at the same time, what can we do about it? We’re investing in our community. We know that a lot of this is about the violence that comes from a relationship issue. So how do we impact this relationship? How do we make sure that we have people that don’t know how to deal with conflict, learn to deal with conflict?"

WBTV Voice Over: 

One of the mayor’s solutions is the Alternatives to Violence Program. It’s currently in the Beatties Ford corridor but expanding into two more areas.

Mayor: "Violence interrupters are on the streets, helping to stop issues before they turn into a crime."

WBTV Voice Over: 

Lyles removes the perception that elected officials are not doing enough.

Mayor: "We do care deeply. That’s why our streets need to be cleaner. That’s why our neighborhoods need to be safer. And we’re putting our efforts into the city council members have town halls where they meet with people.”

WBTV Voice Over:

She says the city is also working to erase issues that may lead to crime.

Mayor: Look at our history, the disparity in terms of race, the poverty in terms of race, all of the deep-rooted issues in this country and not just in our city, but I believe our city is working hard to make a difference here."

WBTV Reporter: When this is all said and done, what do you hope your legacy is?

Mayor: "I hope that my legacy is that I created a city that the next generation chooses to live, work, and invest in."

WBTV Voice Over: 

The mayor mentioned the Unified Development Ordinance that was adopted last month by the city council. It would allow developers to build duplexes or larger developments in areas currently zoned for single-family housing. The proponent of that has been affordable housing.

WBTV Reporter: What do you say to someone who says, ‘I can’t afford to live in Charlotte?’

Mayor: "I say I completely understand it. You can’t be immune to the idea of how prices are increasing. But this is a national issue. It’s going on across our state, across our country. I think at some point the market will adjust. At some point, we have to figure out how the market adjusts, whether or not it’s actually more investment by the government or more investment by the private sector."

Cedar's Take: Sadly Charlotte's Mayor makes Kamal Harris look like a master of powerful persuasion and at the same time making her twin sister Lori Lightfoot seem a sentinel of law and order.

Beyond blaming racism, she claims that "Violence Interrupters" are working. Seriously? 

The magnitude of her incompetency is stunning 


Anonymous said...

How can you say her leadership is not working? Violent crimes up 2%. That is in line with Charlotte's growth rate. How much are property values up? A whole lot more than 2%

The unified ordinance will certainly help make the dream of home ownership a tad more in the realm of reality for some, but we need to go further. Peace interrupters are a unique model that are making a difference. We need to adopt this to all Middle and High schools as soon as feasible to train a new generation of peace seeker.

It may feel painful to admit, but this mayor has accomplished more than any white mayor since pat was in office for decades. Give credit where it is due for a change. I see a dynamic city changing before our eyes. Diverse corporations (not just banks) moving in to beautiful facilities all over the city. Are there needs still? Yes indeed. But do not slight her for her accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

Braxton just won Mayor Pro Tem despite not getting the popular vote. Things are getting more and more out of control. When he becomes mayor in the next 5-10 years, he will absolutely destroy the department.

Realistically, if he manages to cut our funding and have officers without guns do you guys believe we will watch a massive exodus? How much power does the mayor really have?


Anonymous said...

I heard a certain sergeant is transitioning or going to transition to female once he retires. Can anyone confirm

Anonymous said...

10:48. Yes that correct. It’s Sgt Fey. After the transition it won’t be Robert it’ll be Roberta… and you will use her preferred pronouns (She/Her/Hers)

Anonymous said...

130, that’s the craziest shit I’ve heard yet. There used to be screening for this shit. Typical CMPD though!

Anonymous said...

It’s still a better retirement than Moorefield. RIP.

Anonymous said...

Fey in a dress and heels is still gonna be a helluva lot better looking than the majority of the "She Males" currently working in this cess pool. I've been around long enough to remember when we had standards. The academy staff of the distant past would have weeded out the trash that manages to ooze through the cracks these days.

Anonymous said...

@3:12. You gotta give that backstory. Moorefield died? When did that happen???

Anonymous said...

I will work for a whore LT before I ever work for a tranny. WTF

Anonymous said...

I am elated with joy that one of our brave PD members is trans! They need a promotion to D&I Director, and I hope that the city does the right thing by backing this brave officer and by having the insurance provide any medical benefits to help in their journey.

I am now going to have to find a Back the Blue trans bumper sticker!

Anonymous said...

0425, stop kidding yourself. You are a CMPD 4 lifer. If you haven’t left by now with all the BS in the past few years and a job opening on every street corner, then you ain’t leaving when the trannys come marching in and moving up the ranks quicker than a slippery sausage.

Anonymous said...

Dispatcher: "Be advised that there are no cars clear City wide"

Victim: "I need Help!!"

911 Operator: "It may take an hour before you get an Officer."

Anonymous said...

0824, it’s been like that for a while now and no one seems to care. Nothing will change until they start making CCs, SGTs, and LTs get out of their offices and answer CFS and take reports.

Anonymous said...

I keep a automatic Mac 10 in my truck if something pops off in Charlotte. I know the cops aren’t coming.

Anonymous said...

9:10 put down the crack pipe.

First Homicides are up 8% as of 6/30/2022. Given the number of murders in July and August we will likely see 130 or more this year.

That's after record increases in 2020, and 2019 and only a small decrease in 2021

96 in 2021.
117 in 2020
103 in 2019


57 in 2018
62 in 2017

It has nothing to do with the size of the city and everything to do with lack of leadership.

and I don't think we need to go into who the perps are, do we?

"Since the beginning of 2022, at least 118 juveniles have been suspects of firearm-related offenses. In addition, there have been at least 482 juvenile victims of firearm-related crimes." - CMPD

The last thing this city needs is more "affordable housing" because it is totally clear who is moving here from where and why and they alone are the reason for most of this crime.

Tinsley said...

If you’ve been watching the stock market..we are in a recession. This means that the crime rate is going to skyrocket in Charlotte next year and we are already understaffed and the people we do have are not very effective.

Anonymous said...

Whoever is @0750 is a genius troll. Never seen straight-faced sarcasm to that level before. Big fan here

Anonymous said...

Ummmm, this isn’t the first time this has happened. I’d guess those that post here haven’t been on long enough to remember the siegel garage clerk!!