Screen Grab from "The First 48"
Watch the entire episode titled "One Last Score" here.
Crime documentaries are normally far removed from Charlotte and the viewer is often unmoved and unconcerned. But to actually see Danielle Holmes and Jonathan Fitzgerald arrested and questioned, and eventually charged in the murder of Oscar Alvarado Chavez is about as surreal as it can get.
And nothing more graphically shows just how fast heroin can ruin a life than a comparison of Danielle Holmes' North Carolina drivers license at 16 to her mug shot taken less than 14 months apart.

Prior Cedar Posts on the Murder of Oscar Chavez
Jonathan Fitzgerald Admitted to Killing Oscar Alvarado Chavez Wants Death Penalty
The Dark House at the End of The Street
Portrait of a Young Killer
Three Murders in Less Than 36 Hours
As usual thanks Cedar for reporting the facts of this case...something the Charlotte Observer has a hard time doing!
The difference in the two pictures made me cry!! What a waste...
Maybe she was fed all of that bullshit about how bad pot is by some DARE nazi, she smoked some, and corectly concluded that it was indeed harmeless.
Then she was offered heroin, and perhaps thought if the DARE nazi from CMPD lied to me about weed, he most likely lied to me about other drugs to.
The dead girl from Concord most likely fell into the same trap. Thanks officers
Holmes admits that she slashed the dudes throat, that will kill a mexican every time.
Hope she likes prison life I expect she'll be in for a while, easy pickings for the dikes and other freaks.
All for one last score.
To Anon 4:42pm
She is OUT of jail as of Dec...can you believe it? She made a deal to testify against him.....sickening!
to February 12, 2011 2:40 PM
Your a retard
I fucked this little whore in the ass in exchange for som cocaine. Lol.
really? how was it
she just had a baby lmfao
by who?
She got pregnant by some black guy when she was out on bail for murder and her family is now raising the baby. She got arrested again when she was on bail for another robbery.
Her BF had ONE arrest- for underage drinking- and was STILL man enough to take the whole rap, telling the pigs his girl didn't do anything. But that wasn't enough- they went right back at some scared, dopesick little girl & TRICKED her into putting herself in the pot for murder. "I WANT A LAWYER".... The ONLY 4 words you EVER need to know if u find yourself in a police station interrogation room- guilty OR innocent. They ARE NOT your friends at that point... ALL they want is a confession
You're all so pathetic. You didn't know her. She was someone with a life just as much as the rest of you but honestly probably ten times smarter. Drugs turn you into a different person and make you do things you thought you never would. She isn't a bad person and you're all pretty sad for saying those nasty things about her. You must hate yourselves so much to need to put your two cents on here about someone you never knew. How dare you speak about her or her family INCLUDING HER SON the way you do. You don't have any clue what you would do if she was your daughter or sister or friend so don't act like you have any right to comment on what happened. Have some fucking respect for them.
Jonathan had a lot of run o s with law enforcement starting at 14. He did house break-ins, drugs, you name it. A spoiled rotten piece of trash
Honestly, some of the posts on here truly shock me. Does anyone have a child or, an adult child who has been the victim of the opiate crisis? Seriously? Yes, they committed a crime while under the influence of a narcotic AND while in the process of trying to obtain more by any means necessary. Should this not tell us we have a bigger problem than calling them pieces of shit? The problem is the drug and the ability to purchase it on the streets of this country in numbers so high we are unable to keep up with them!! They are now paying the highest price possible. I get it, lesson learned but, c'mon people....use some of that vitriolic spew to speak out against this deadly drug and it's availability to our children!
Jonathan has done break-ins, drugs, drinking and a very long list of other crimes since he was 12 years old. He went to teen court, all the police and Sheriff in Concord were very familiar with him.
If they ever prosecuted him for the break-ins, he would have been in jail and probably wouldn't be in prison for murder. He has been trash for 10 years. Long before the heroin and cocaine. He was and always be a piece if shit.
Every life is valuable, even Jonathan's.
I hope his soul gets redeemed by the Lord Jesus while in jail.
Was this guy oscar alvarado chavez (with two last names), here in the United States legally...
Jonathan was a low life piece of shit. Many many break-ins, drug offenses. He has a very long history of illegal behavior. He was a druggy and loser since he was in elementary school. I hope he doesn't get released. He isn't ever going to be anything but trash
I'm surprised by some of these comments. I'm watching the old "The First 48" episode and when they ran Jonathan they couldn't find anything about him. They said he had no record. But now many of you are saying he had a record.
All I know is I turned 40 last November and I've been battling with heroin addiction since I was 19. I've been arrested and to county jails & prison for thefts, possessions, missed court dates and such. I've been clean and I've relapsed. It's a tough fight. My last job is a Dunkin donuts. It sucks when you're in your mid to late thirties trying to keep up so that your little girl and wife have a normal life like everyone else. Sometimes it gets to be too much and you just go numb. I don't know how to explain it.
You can judge me and other people but life is what it is. I'm a guy who calls or texts his m.everydah. I try to help anyone who needs help when I can. Even now poor I still help people. It's sad that all of your comments are so dumb. I'll tell you something. I went to my families summer home every year in Wisconsin. Went on cruises, grew up in a Lutheran school, I was a wrestler, I dated cheerleaders all through highschool, I listened to Christian rock and was involved in youth group, I've been to Mexico several times to help build houses for people who needed them... I was involved in all of this and still ended up this way. You shouldn't judge people.
I completely understand where you are coming from, I’m in my late 30’s and I have been battling addiction to opiates since I was 17, with my latest addiction being fentanyl. You’re absolutely right, it’s incredibly hard and it can happen to anyone.....I have been clean for 4 years now but I still struggle, speaking as someone who has been in many treatment programs where everyone thinks you’re a addict because you had a hard life, bad parents, some terrible trauma or one of the many things associated with drug abuse, I could never relate. I had great parents who provided a stable and healthy life, but I still fell in to a life of drugs......and in my opinion the worst drug to be hooked on. It’s so obvious a lot of people commenting on here are very one sided or have never had close experience with drug abuse. You should be ashamed to judge someone based on their family members actions, especially a mother. I had a great mother who was pretty strict on me and tried her best to keep me out of trouble but I still managed to become a addict and do things I’m not proud of, yet she always stayed by my side and never gave up on me and I’m thankful for her everyday. So for you who judge this mom for sticking by her child or saying it is her fault that she did what she did are ridiculous. Prayers for everyone involved in this tragic situation. Even though it has been several years now this is a never ending pain. I hope the two charged in this can come out better people and make something good out of the rest of their lives, hopefully they will have learned from this and can turn this in to a way to educate kids that could possibly be going down the same path and try to find a way to make something good out of a horrible event.
I've struggled with addiction and she deserves a second chance
Danielle is getting rehabilitated. I talk to her and she is very sweet, and has definitely changed a lot in 15 years. She has had a few mishaps while serving her time but nothing serious. Johnathan on the other hand has over 88 infractions and joined a prison gang. He got himself all tatted up with gang tattoos. He was such a burden on the staff at the medium security prison they shipped him off to Alexander C.I. which is a maximum security prison and is one of the hardest and toughest prisons in North Carolina. For the last 6 months he has been in solitary confinement, last year in 2023 he assaulted the staff with a dangerous weapon. He set to get released in 2034, and with all the gang affiliation he got himself into while being locked up, he most likely will just end up back there again.
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