Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Love Thy Neighbor - If That Fails Call The Cops

If that doesn't work well, Cedar is pretty sure a civil action filed against the City, CMPD, the Sheriff, the County, Mental Health Authorities and the neighbor should end the madness. Of course the lingering question is what in the world besides being white did you do this guy?

WARNING: The old coot has a limited vocabulary


Anonymous said...

Some of this was done right in front of law,enforcement on the video casually walking away. Aren't they required to lock him up for those threats? Or at least investigate? Or how about at least start with a,disapproving glance if it's not too much trouble?

Anonymous said...

A little context would be nice. Looks like the Smallwood neighborhood.

@CLT_truth said...

There is some context in the video description on the youtube page. It's lots of information--most of which shouldn't have happened if not for the complicit actions of some police, of Rodney Monroe, and the City of Charlotte covering it up. Kerr Putney has had a personal copy for a good while, too, as well as information back when he was DC. All the CLTCC, mayor and Manager have had it. They refuse to take any action. That's the point and why I asked to share this.

It's in the Cherry Neighborhood near CPCC. Ironically it's in the middle of all the richest neighborhoods in Charlotte--in between Eastover, Myers Park, Dilworth, and Elizabeth where I don't believe this would be tolerated ONE TIME. I had the misfortune of moving in next to this guy and after struggling to get him to leave me alone or implore others who knew him longer to help, I asked police for help with the CRIMES of stalking, assault, communicating threats, vandalism, the severe harassment and racial hatred you can see as well as what at least one judge said was a need for him to have a mental evaluation.

Despite that, after I made a complaint about a police officer during the course of this neighbor's actions (that other officers told me had a prior bad reputation) and nobody took any corrective action with that officer, that officer came after me even harder and did worse things, threatening me personally as well. Police officers, Chief, and the City have lied repeatedly and up through today saying none of this ever happened, no crime ever happened, have slandered me severely, have lied to magistrates and other judges to PREVENT criminal charges from being filed even without their assistance, have interfered with protective orders, have helped these crimes continue, and have threatened to arrest me and sue me for reporting police misconduct and crimes plus the crimes of these men (in the video), or for asking for public records.

Their denials of crime are particularly stupid since there are a half dozen convictions for assault and communicating threats and contempt which are part of court record. Also, they claim "criminal investigative exemption" (which wouldn't be valid even if they didn't say there were never any crimes) to deny every public record I have requested. I fear evidence has been destroyed. It is at least being obstructed from me improperly. As this harm to me continues.

I'm not the only person in Charlotte affected by this corrupt behavior of the City & Police Chief.

I hope that helps with context and appreciate your question as well as Cedar's post. (Cedarposts' post? that's hard to say)


Anonymous said...

Baldwin Ave.?

Anonymous said...

Yes, baldwin ave

Anonymous said...

10:17 I think maybe CMPD has had it with her, and they know she is bat-shit crazy. Maybe that is why law enforcement ignored it. IMHO, that woman is a human hemorrhoid that will not go away. The text in the video actually looks like something she would come up with herself.

Anonymous said...

What exactly makes you throw this slander at someone when you can see for yourself she is under assault from these people? Are you one of the officers who committed perjury? Or one of the convicted criminals in the video? Or one of the ones lying to cover up for them?

Really, anyone with an IQ over 50 could see police screwed this up. So, what do you think makes this her fault?

Anonymous said...

7:04, If you want to get technical, that would be libel, not slander.

Anonymous said...

You hear about these running battles with a neighbor, it never ends well. Always over some trivial bs that happened years ago. Eventually someone ends up six feet under and the other party in Raleigh.

One would hope that the courts step in before that, and if I was the judge I'd make them both sell at auction and move out of the county.

Anonymous said...

8:40 I think that is a great suggestion, but I believe one of those men is close to 80 years old, and it might cause some undue hardship. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

why should someone who is a law-abiding citizen be forced out of their home because of a crazy, racist violent convicted criminal? Why shouldn't the police abide by their sworn oath and report crimes? Why shouldn't crimes by law enforcement officers be prosecuted? Why do you blame the victim of crime and police and municipal misconduct instead of holding the offenders responsible?
"Just saying' "

Really sad for you if think criminals should prevail. Are you also CMPD?

Anonymous said...

@9:38 Cam Selvey?

Anonymous said...

Why should someone being attacked by racist violent offenders be forced out of their home instead of protected by police, sheriffs, and the Courts? Who are you for suggesting otherwise? Would you tolerate someone telling you to move out of YOUR HOME because the police and courts were guilty of conspiring with a crazy, racist, violent criminal attacking you?

Seriously, please think about this and the fear of being attacked by these guys and the entire badged, uniformed, armed police force for speaking up for this before you answer this.

Wait until they come to your house because an officer wasn't acting the way he/she should have.

Anonymous said...

If the CMPD is covering up corruption, lying etc as you say, then call the SBI. They investigate public corruption.

Anonymous said...

I've always been troubled that 911 asks "do you rent or own your home" as if that should make a difference when a neighbor is threatening you.

With this crazy MoFo I'd make it very clear if he ever approaches me on my property, even tries to enter my home I will shoot him until the threat is neutralized.

Anonymous said...

Easy solution, get a big loud dog, and fill the shot gun with buck shot. This clown would soon meet his maker, and then the spot light could be shined upon the lack response by the CMPD that caused this eldery, racist, POS. His next threat to kill would be his last.

Anonymous said...

Cedar you have connections, isn't your son on VCAT? Send the boys in I'm sure this old fool has some weed or crack laying around in plain sight.

Have the city deem the property a hazard to pubic safety and bulldoze it overnight. I'm sure it would make a nice city park.

As a side note Cedar should look into the effort of the "Cherry Neighborhood Association" trying to put a "Welcome to Cherry" sign up in one Myers Park neighbor's yard. The Myers Parker had to sue to stop the placement of the sign.

Anonymous said...

This isn't a Police Thing. City Management will stop at nothing to always be shown in the right. The fire dept is currently in a battle over vacation pay outs and the fire chief made an agreement with Tim Mayes, the former HR Director some years ago to reduce firefighters vacation hours when they retire so their payout would not be so high. Even though the city charter states that only city council can do this. When City HR did a firefighter correctly and he was retired and the fire chief found out he ordered her to change it. She will do it too because of all of the above. It doesn't matter the firefighter is a Vietnam veteran, it's illegal to reduce an earned benefit , or anything else it's about ego and the hell with the employee or citizen. Or even City Councilman. Management will screw over a guy who will make 30 thousand dollars a year retired and they will make over 140 thousand a year retired getting paid for vacation days that city council says they are not even supposed to have.

Anonymous said...

Now I can't get the theme song from Sanford and Son out of my head...

You ole fish-eyed fool!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:59 I'm glad you included this information, but this is a police thing. It's just not solely a police thing. And as you point out, the City is corrupt.

But there were and are many cops along the way with full knowledge of the crimes, of the bad cop, of the IA cover up, and the city attack on the person reporting.

Blue Line should be to protect and serve, not to cover up this kind of garbage.

Anonymous said...

What's up with your surveillance camera? You tell the neighbor not to take pics of you when when you have a surveillance camera aimed at his porch? You call 911 and ask to speak to an officer, then when said officer arrives, you tell him/her to go away?

YOU are the racist.

Anonymous said...

Where is the police misconduct? I'm sure they took multiple reports, and told the neighbor to go to the magistrates office to obtain an arrest warrant. I see communicating threats, but where are the other crimes? Maybe a city ticket for loud music.

CLT_truth said...

7:54 Where did you see me "call 911 and ask to speak to an officer, then when said officer arrives, you tell him/her to go away?" You are confused. Are you one of the lug head officers who was supposed to have a criminal investigation for their conduct? Or just a buddy of the liars? I know you want to inject false information on their behalf.

There is no surveillance camera aimed at his porch. Again, you are confused. Or not very bright. But you might pull out a phone to record this kind of activity aimed at you if you were just trying to exist in your home and were under attack from these two guys and law enforcement saying the kind of stupid things you're saying, among others.

Like calling me racist? What would you be basing that slander on?

@CLT_truth said...

8:08 Stalking is a crime. And after the first conviction, it's a felony. Actions shown are only a very small sample of what went on from 3 a.m. through the entire day and night.

This 3 minute compilation is obviously not exhaustive but illustrative.

Racist crimes are enhancements. Death and rape threats and threats to beat or have you beaten are crimes.

Totaling a car with 11 incidents of vandalism (not all shown) are crimes.

Assault (court record, not shown but explained and easily verified) is a crime.

Intimidation of a witness is a crime that must revoke the terms of release and put the criminals in jail to await trial, plus incur contempt charges. Etc...

Perjury by police officers, threatening and abuse of a citizen, of a witness, lying on reports, refusing to report crimes, and more are gross misconduct and criminal. These are not shown on this particular video. Evidence offered to Internal Affairs resulted in threatening the victim with arrest and a lawsuit. This sure seems like the definition of obstruction of justice.

Asking for records in possession of the City victim is entitled to resulted in threatening the victim with arrest and lawsuit.

Police--numerous including Captain Norman Garnes on instruction from Police Chief Kerr Putney--falsely instructed the magistrate that none of what you have seen on the video, or on any other video/audio evidence or other evidence, or the half dozen criminal convictions apparently ever happened in order to prevent correct criminal charges from being pressed against even these criminals. There is written proof of this.

This is only a small sample of what has transpired.
Why is the City fighting so hard and lying to help these guys commit more crimes against a crime victim if not to cover up misconduct?

Anyone with eyes, ears, and a functioning brain cell can see this is the truth. And very harmful.

Anonymous said...

Interesting discourse and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the overall gentrification of Cherry. I know the run down shacks are being leveled for pricey townhomes and the black community is calling for a ban to preserve the neighborhood just like it is.

If you've traveled Wendover you'll see Grier Heights is being leveled, poor black families are being displaced.

I say goodridence

Anonymous said...

Did it not ever occur to you that maybe the brave men and women of CMPD have legit crime to deal with and do not appreciate you wasting their time and resources, as well as my taxpayer dollars, on this petty feud with your neighbor?

Anonymous said...

I always thought it was strange how Grier Heights and Cherry--some of the roughest parts closest to downtown--bordered Eastover on both sides since Eastover is where all the richest people and half the judges, lawyers, CEO's and the now-Governor live. Crazy.

But don't investigate anyone taking public money to say they're making improvements there and lining their own pockets because they might call you racist. So just pretend it's not happening until someone else moves in and "gentrifies." That'll fix it! Nothing to see here.

Meanwhile, what's a few dozen assaults and potential murder as long as it stays where it belongs and doesn't affect us, away from the right kind of neighborhoods?

Anonymous said...

What petty feud? That would imply a 2-way interaction... this is obviously a one-way situation.
Maybe CMPD wouldn't "waste" their time if they did their job and put a stop to it. Sorry you think death threats and assaults are not "legit" crime as they're wasting my time, resources, and tax money, too by not addressing crime. You must live somewhere even worse. Feel bad for you.

Anonymous said...

Damn, don't you have a job or a hobby, Kray Jay?

Anonymous said...

Did CMPD ever send you a cease and desist letter?

Anonymous said...

Last comment was directed at KJ, not Cedar.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't they just arrest these guys instead of sending them a letter?

Anonymous said...

Based on City Council's current issues I wonder if they know Vi Lyles the was paid out hour for hour for her vacation when she retired. How about one of the Fire Chiefs closest friends retiring in July so he can get a lump sum payment and have his vacation payout boosted. I think he is going in the cinder block business with the extra dough

Anonymous said...

7:13 CMPD police attorney's office sent HER a cease and desist letter in 2012, and advised that she could be charged with cyberstalking bc of her abusive emails to CMPD. This letter also advised that she must not visit LEC or Providence Division Office. This letter is, of course, a matter of public record.

Anonymous said...

Why? What's abusive about reporting crime and misconduct?

I guess you have access to city records but the city won't release records to her, according to what's already written.

She already said they threatened her for asking and for reporting police misconduct. Is that your big expose? Crawl back under your rock.

Someone needs to explain the cover up and intimidation for seeking correction to this illegal behavior.

Anonymous said...

looks like she is one of those that wants something done, but does not not want to participate in the process. she wants the police to be her bully

Anonymous said...

9:40 you don't make any sense. But you're not alone.

Anonymous said...

'Wouldn't advise the woman to get a dog. The neighbor seems like the kind of person who would kill it with poison or cause it some other cruel injury.

'Wouldn't advise the woman to get a shotgun loaded with anything but 2 3/4 OO shells. She's not Granny Clampet trying to keep Jethro out of the tonic, after all. And this isn't 1936.

The leering old q-tip is taking great advantage of the fact she is a woman and he isn't afraid of her. Doubt he'd have the balls, even the ones from the hearse, to do all of that to a big guy. I'd love to know what started all of this.

Like all human interactions this one has the potential to turn out very bad. Life is too short to put up with this in the hopes he drops in the yard soon and that hearse hauls him off.

I'd get a lawyer or a realtor or both.

BTW, I'm not sure what's gone down between her and the police, but how does it warrant being banned from the LEC? That's a public building.

Anonymous said...

You're right that there's no reason to make an illegal threat and ban someone from the LEC unless they're joining in to bully her. That's where you file police reports, get police records, and file Internal Affairs complaints. Gee, wonder why they don't want her there?

These guys aren't afraid of doing anything to her because the police keep backing them up. They are racist nutjobs with nothing else to do. And that's an astute observation about getting a dog.

@CLT_truth said...

July 21, 2016, the first guy in the video was found guilty--again--in Superior Court by a jury of 12 for threatening me "for the last time, b*tch!" with a "gun & three shells."

Police claim they have destroyed this 911 call and would not provide it to the DA, costing all tax payers even more court time in arguments and testimony (x 1 Superior Court Judge, 1 Superior Court Clerk, 1 transcriptionist, several Sheriffs, several DA's, me, and 12 jurors out of work for 4 days).

The City/Police know I have requested that 911 call, DMVR, dispatch, and all notes, reports, recordings and emails related to this call and every other call. Destruction of records related to a crime is a crime: Obstruction of justice. Threatening to arrest someone for asking for them is probably also obstruction.

The City is still spending more money lying to the Court and saying no crime has ever occurred, slandering me, and demanding criminal penalties against me for asking for these records.

They are spending your tax money and mine to do this.

Anonymous said...

Put a spiked watermelon on his porch. That may help calm him down.