Thursday, May 26, 2016

Old Issue At CDIA Returns To The Spotlight - Fence Jumpers Common At Airports

For years Cedar Posts has been saying the airport perimeter fence at Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CDIA) was worthless.
Now according to the Associated Press - Two people jumped the fences that protect the runways and planes at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in 2015.
Airport officials revealed the incidents during an Associated Press investigation which documented at least 345 perimeter security breaches at 31 of the nation's busiest airports between 2004 and mid-February of this year. In that span, Charlotte had eight. At least that is eight that were actually discovered and reported. 
Despite some investments nationally to fortify the nation's airfields, breaches remain as frequent as ever. In recent years, they're happening about every 10 days at one of the airports AP studied.
Airport officials say outer defenses are strong and note no breach involved a known terrorist plot.
In Charlotte, a pilot saw a man walking on a taxiway in July after he had scaled a fence topped with razor wire. The other intruder jumped a fence in December.
In 2014 CP recapped the Delvonte Tisdale case in which then airport manager Jerry Orr and former CMPD Police chief Rodney Monroe stated that they could not determine how Tisdale entered the property. But based on the clear evidence it was obvious that Tisdale jumped the fence due to lax security policies and procedures.


Anonymous said...

Clear evidence may be a bit of a stretch. The evidence that was available to you Cedar would definitely bring any logical person to the same conclusion. But as any case all the evidence was not available and nor was all the perimeter tenants interviewed during the investigation. So this would be an issue wouldn't you think?

Anonymous said...

One for the plus column at CDIA is Herbert Judon is now out and Augusta's problem now. Martina (the inexperienced introvert "security manager") hopefully will move along soon too. Once that's done and someone that knows what they are doing is in place in her role CDIA will be even safer.

razor wire said...

we are looking for razor wire agent in your country, are you interested in it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like the only position Martina Bendoviokijiqsjakaka is qualified for is the one under Herbert's desk... Now that Herbert is gone everyone will see that she is woefully out of her league and doesn't know what the hell she's doing. She needs to seek work elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I will be your razor wire guy: Bruce Bellamy

Anonymous said...

With Jack and Jimmy in the front office Brent better look out. I smell Airport Authority all over again

Anonymous said...

You can plant a bomb just as easy as you can hop the fence and take a dump on the runway. Way to go with your contribution to homeland security.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. CMPD is here to solve all our problems.

Anonymous said...

One must ask has the City Manager bestowed a parting gift upon Mr. Cagle? There is no way he would have done that without making the Mayor aware but how about the General Assembly, all of City Council? If not that would surely stir up a "Hornets Nest of Rebellion" upon his departure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cedar. Can you get to the bottom of the Mike Wallace attack in the parking lot of the PNC Amphitheater, after the Rascal Flatt's concert? apparently, He said the guys that jumped him were in a Lucas Landscaping truck, so I'm wondering if its another vendor that he didn't pay.

Anonymous said...

NOTHING TO SEE HERE ..... Time to move on ........

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

CMPD has this whole situation under control. They can send any of their 27 retirees out to take down these fence jumpers if its not too far from their oxygen tanks! But then if it's a terrorist jumper, CMPD officers can grab their rifles and address the problem, Oh wait a minute CMPD still has not provided airport officers with rifles promised 3 years ago.

Anonymous said...

CMPD hasn't got anything under control. Only in the minds of the command staff do they believe everything is okay. CMPD sucks.

Anonymous said...

If you had access to the entire case file you would know unequivocally that there was no evidence that he jumped the fence actually it was to the contrary.