In the darkness Wooten and his Yamaha sport bike screamed westbound at more than three times the 45 mph speed limit. At the same time heading in the opposite direction were a young couple Dylan Briggs 22 and Jasmine Belush 21.
The couple were out with their friends, Dylan was driving Jamine's car when they found themselves in a unfamiliar surroundings, the voice on Jasmine's iPhone likely keep urging them to make a U-turn as WAZE often does in a rather insistent manner.
For whatever reason Dylan Briggs decided to make a U-turn near Alleghany Street.
Watching several cars pass, Briggs may have seen the motorcycle approaching but didn't realize that the bike ridden by Wooten was traveling at an estimated 183.33 feet per second. or more than 125 miles per hour.
Wooten's motorcycle struck the right rear passenger door of Jasmine's car. Despite wearing a helmet, he was killed instantly when his head impacted the roof and D-pillar. His motorcycle would continue through the car killing passengers Benjamin Vasques 24, Hanna Brotherton, 22 and Claudia Gray, 27.
CMPD Officers arriving on the scene were confronted with a horrific accident and assumed that there was a second car or truck fleeing the area. The unrecognizable carnage provided few clues. The impact was so violent it took officer several minutes just to understand what had happened to the car.
Leann Gray who was sitting in the right rear seat against the door was killed instantly. The public information officer and EMT for Midland Fire and Rescue was only 27, and the mother to an 8-year old son.
Watching several cars pass, Briggs may have seen the motorcycle approaching but didn't realize that the bike ridden by Wooten was traveling at an estimated 183.33 feet per second. or more than 125 miles per hour.
Wooten's motorcycle struck the right rear passenger door of Jasmine's car. Despite wearing a helmet, he was killed instantly when his head impacted the roof and D-pillar. His motorcycle would continue through the car killing passengers Benjamin Vasques 24, Hanna Brotherton, 22 and Claudia Gray, 27.
CMPD Officers arriving on the scene were confronted with a horrific accident and assumed that there was a second car or truck fleeing the area. The unrecognizable carnage provided few clues. The impact was so violent it took officer several minutes just to understand what had happened to the car.
Leann Gray who was sitting in the right rear seat against the door was killed instantly. The public information officer and EMT for Midland Fire and Rescue was only 27, and the mother to an 8-year old son.
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Leann Gray |
Hanna Brotherton sitting next to her, was also killed instantly as the motorcycle continued through the car. She was born in Concord and graduated from Jesse C. Carson High School, and was the daughter of Michael Wayne Brotherton and Trena Marcum Brotherton.
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Hanna Brotherton |
After graduating from high school Hanna received her associate degree from Rowan -Cabarrus Community College and continued into the orthodontics program at Lake Norman Dental Assisting School. She was attending the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Benjamin Vasquez a soldier in the United States Army, was seated next to Brotherton, had just returned from a deployment in Kuwait.
Benjamin Vasquez a soldier in the United States Army, was seated next to Brotherton, had just returned from a deployment in Kuwait.
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US Army Pvt. Benjamin Vasquez |
Vasquez survived for a short time but was deceased by the time first responders arrived.
In the front seat and separated by just inches Briggs and Belush somehow managed to escape with only minor injuries. They were both taken to CMC Main treated and released.
Cedar's Take: It is impossible to grasp that had Briggs turned only seconds either side of the impact, a second later or sooner, this accident this would not have happened.
In the front seat and separated by just inches Briggs and Belush somehow managed to escape with only minor injuries. They were both taken to CMC Main treated and released.
Cedar's Take: It is impossible to grasp that had Briggs turned only seconds either side of the impact, a second later or sooner, this accident this would not have happened.
In the long chain of events that led up to this accident, any small deviation, light change or hesitation would have changed the time line by only seconds and this tragedy would not occured.
But the true cause of this accident is nothing short of massive stupidity. David Wooten died an moron and a murder. Beyond being reckless and self centric Wooten is a symptom of lawless behavior by of a group of idiots who believe the rules apply only to other people. A generational defect caused by helicopter parents and participation trophies. The result of lax courts and judges.
You will hear people who think it wasn't all his fault that the driver Briggs is equally at fault for not seeing the Yamaha sport bike traveling the distance of one football field every 1.2 seconds. Yet Wilkinson as most city streets does not have the line of sight or grade of an interstate highway and the street has a 45 mph speed limit for a reason, safety.
Two days after the accident Olivia Carper in Huntersville decided Wooten needed a "Go Fund Me" Memorial page. Equally disturbing there is no mention of 3 people Wooten murdered. Even in death Wooten was a selfish thug.
But the true cause of this accident is nothing short of massive stupidity. David Wooten died an moron and a murder. Beyond being reckless and self centric Wooten is a symptom of lawless behavior by of a group of idiots who believe the rules apply only to other people. A generational defect caused by helicopter parents and participation trophies. The result of lax courts and judges.
You will hear people who think it wasn't all his fault that the driver Briggs is equally at fault for not seeing the Yamaha sport bike traveling the distance of one football field every 1.2 seconds. Yet Wilkinson as most city streets does not have the line of sight or grade of an interstate highway and the street has a 45 mph speed limit for a reason, safety.
Two days after the accident Olivia Carper in Huntersville decided Wooten needed a "Go Fund Me" Memorial page. Equally disturbing there is no mention of 3 people Wooten murdered. Even in death Wooten was a selfish thug.
Would have been a better outcome had he just shot himself in the head.
Thank God he was wearing his helmet! ENTs say when they finally did locate the helmet his head was still pretty much intact something like 50 yards from the car and his body. Hopefully the funeral home was able to semi attach his head so the family can have some sense of closure.
Another moron “biker” off the streets. It’s a damn shame he took 3 innocent lives with him. A bridge column would have been better for speed racer. Maybe the pack of atv and dirt bikers will be next, minus the collateral damage.......
Only a freaking millennial would think riding a sport bike at more than 100 miles an hour on a city street was ok.
Hope his mother has nightmares the rest of her life what a freaking failure.
That's a little cruel 8:29 not her fault.
only a dumbass white dude would go that fast on Wilkinson.
122 Miles an hour and tested positive for both drugs and alcohol he deserved to be dead.
10:26 I didn't see any news coverage about drugs or alcohol. Where are you getting this information?
more racist hate from Cedar Mouth!!
So I am the mother of the motorcycle rider. This was a horrible accident that happened and to say he was a moron and a murderer is wrong. He was not under the influence of anything and there was no ill will intent. He tested negative for drugs and alcohol. People don't want to get the actual facts and nobody deserves to be dead for what ever reason. And for his body being in pieces that is a lie as well. I have the autospy report and his body was completely intact. As for the Go Fund Me account that was created, most people don't realize that this Fund was almost completed funded by people around the world who knew this young man and had the highest repesct and regard for him and wanted to bless his mother.
There you go. Wooten's mother is upset her spawn is portrayed as a moron and murderer. Not one word of compassion for any of the 3 killed by his recklessness. It is all about her and her son. So the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?
Suzanne Wooten you are a pos and you raised a pos. Had you done a your job there would be four people this Christmas, instead of four people who died because you failed to raise your child properly.
I pray you live long and suffer every day for the unimaginable horror you and your spawn caused.
Finally got to see this all you people out there posting horrible things about someone you don't even know. I know exactly what happened. And it wasn't just David's fault it was both should have never done a U-turn right there on that Hill why you people are saying about a person that has passed is horrible. And you do realize karma is going to bite you I guarantee it somewhere down the road karma is going to be there waiting for you. And when it does you will remember this moment may God help your soul.
7:12 With the attitude you have, I'm sure you only wish such things because you're a miserable fool and want to share your misery with others.
I was a close friend of David. He had been pursuing a career as an EMT. He found purpose in helping others, and everyone who knew him knew the size of his heart. To spite that reality and label him as a selfish murderer for an incident where two parties were at fault is reprehensible. To go even beyond that and wish ill on his mother, as if she had done anything to contribute to any of it, is vile. It won't bring any of the lost back. You're only introducing more rancor and animosity into the lives of people who are likely still grieving.
As 8:35 said, karma will come for you.
For your sake and the sake of all who have to live alongside you, I hope you change your ways and find peace within your soul, or your future will reflect your abominable spirit.
This is a very poor article. Whoever wrote this should not be in journalism or definitely should not be paid for it. Talking about a person who died and has family/friends seeing this is just so cruel. I knew David personally for a couple of years when he was younger. He was a kind, funny and enjoyable person to talk to. He would tell me about being nervous around girls in church and feeling like he had to suck his stomach into look good around them, or in the later years about studying in Germany and how different it was to the US.
Also his mother came in to explain and give facts about her son who is being abused by a journalist and all these people who feel it is a safe space to speak poorly of the dead. This is shameful. Ms Wooten is not selfish for doing this.
You did a great Job raising David Ms Wooten, he was such a good natured, bubbly person. I am eternally grateful that I can say he was my friend.
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