"Charlotte sits at 88 homicides so far in 2019. Outrageously high compared to past years. Got us thinking... how do we compare to other cities? Turns out, our violent killings are significantly higher than Nashville, Seattle & San Francisco. More comparisons, at 11p."
(Love the "violent killings" as if some places have non-violent killings and they are acceptable.)
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Molly Grantham |
The trouble with being Molly, is her tweets also attract the liberal left who want to blame Charlotte's rise in crime on the Police and Inequality.
Take Atheist Black Chic's (@atheistBlkChic) twitter reply:
"Actually, in the 1990s the homicide rates were much higher than that. And also, anytime you have areas of massive inequality and opportunities you have greater incidences of violence and violent reactions to conflicts."
"And when you look at communities of black Americans around Charlotte (and any city in this country) that were redlined (starved of resources), you see the stark differences racist government policies have had on generations of black Americans. So when reporters report...."
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Tulsa 1921 |
"And here you have these coded stories about crime and homicides."
Atheist Black Chic is referring to Tulsa 1921 which was recently used at the backdrop and opening to the latest instalment of the fictional Watchmen series on HBO.
Let's be clear Watchmen is fiction, bizarre crazy fiction where Nixon served 2 full terms and Hitler is not defeated. Space aliens and people who can change their physical appearance at will and other bat shit crazy stuff. And yes the Tulsa 1921 Race Massacre did happen.
More factual information about the Tulsa Race Riot/Massacre is here.
Then there's Molly's reply:
"I understand you saying talk more about how it became this way. Good idea. Wouldn't tonight in a basic comparison for numbers, but in a more in-depth piece/show, that makes total sense. Thank you for the suggestion."
Molly is of course patronizing ABC, when she should bitch slap her ass for trying to blame homicides on inequality.
Twitter doesn't like me saying this:
"The African American Community has become a culture of violence, that has embraced both gun play and criminality."
And this has absolutely nothing to do with "Black Wall Street" aka the Greenwood District of Tulsa, or Mississippi Burning or Rosewood or any other fictionized account or even historical record of any of these portrayed events.
Charlotte's Homicide numbers have everything to do with a "Culture of Violence" where having a gun makes you one of the cool kids on the block. That, and a combination of civil and judicial leadership that is soft on crime.
Charlotte's homicides in the late 1980's and early 1990's were also confined mostly to Charlotte's African American communities where "gang life" had become normal. Mayor Harvey Gantt was soft on crime, Mayor Sue Myrickk finally conceded there was a problem and enlisted the help of the DEA and FBI along with the US Attorney's Office.
100's of African American gang members were then rounded up, arrested, convicted and given long and in many case life sentences in federal prison where parole is non-existant.
Cedar stop obsessing over Molly we all know its her boobs you are distracted by.
You know that photo of Molly was like 2002? Add about 30 pounds and a couple of kids. And bonus boobage!
Thats a lot of hooters!
A link to Molly boobs would be nice.
On the other hand the link to the Tulsa Riot is really good info without the black lives matter bullshit.
Interesting twist the "race riot" started because a newspaper printed a very inflammatory report of the arrest of a black man. Imagine that? Fake news even back in 1921.
Anytime the opportunity presents itself, I try to ask the question of arrestees of what they see as the problem to the increasing violence in Charlotte. Almost without exception, the answer is that there is a lack of leadership and father figure role models in the community to teach and train young men to be good citizens. Blame an embrace of gun violence, but the problem goes deeper than that. It’s time for public leaders to admit that LBJ’s Great Society is to blame for the fatherless homes (and therefore subsequent increases in prison rate populations and drug addictions) , and then call out the real problems (abortion rates, public education, welfare benefits) so that we can get back to teaching personal responsibility. Scapegoating the police and disarming law abiding citizens is only going to continue inflaming the problem.
I think no matter your skin color if you grow up with no rules no goals no ambition you're just here and there's going to be trouble. The sooner we get you squared away in prison the better its going to be for everyone.
I like Molly and she looks great for her age.
And in other news.....
Rain is on the way. Better dust off those umbrellas!
Odd that during the Tulsa Race Riot a key component was missing, the KKK. At least in the formal white sheets and torches. This like so many events happened because of "misinformation" a process we have apparently not learned from if recent events in Charlotte is any indication.
But it is painfully clear the longer civic leaders sit on videos and information the faster the pot reaches boiling. With the RNC 2020 just a few months away CMPD better get their game face on and be ready to release video and 911 calls within minute not days of an OIS.
So it looks like the CMPD sgts list is getting cut. So many people are going to get screwed over. Meanwhile, everyone's favorite badge bunny gets the LT stripes and authority to command supervisors and SWAT. They are calling it the magic pussy. Only at CMPD...
I'd hit it! Not the badge bunny that's a pass.
Molly? Come on she's not even eye candy. Just a freak bubble head.
Guys, I'd get with Molly G any day. I saw her on TV the other week and she looked curvy with a THICK ass. I'd toss the badge bunny to the curve, with all those crows feet that she has.
I think you meant "Curb". But yeah..your analysis is still correct about Molly and Amy.
Molly plays it well, all family focus like and community concern but I guarantee she's a freak between the sheets money says there's more than one video.
Bellamy in his office reading these posts like.....SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT.
Molly's boob def gotten bigger since that photo was taken.
Oh good grief! Charlotte's homicide rate is crazy and y'all keep commenting about Molly Grantham. lol
I don't know about anyone else but I would much rather talk about Molly than the "Homie-cide" rate!
Cedar I know you have sources post some Molly photos to get us through 3rd Shift!
On behalf of the entire Hickory Grove "Grave Yard Shift" Molly Nudes Please! As well as they are not while doing Bellamy that is.
That should be as long as
What I like about Molly is she's very approachable. Seems to be one of the smarter WBTV anchors/reporters and I'm going to guess there more to her that she lets on. That said lets be respectful.
Id do her all night long!!
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