Anyone who has watched a few hours of COPS or PD Live has seen the chaotic and confusing scenes that unfold whenever Officers fear a suspect has a weapon. This happens countless times every day across our nation without incident.
But, sadly in the moment where a tenth of a second can mean life or death the outcome is sometimes needlessly tragic.
I've watched countless situations where the suspect is ordered out of the car, to open the door from the outside with his left hand. Of course the suspect instinctively uses his right hand.
With sirens blaring and a K-9 Officer aggressively barking, three officers are shouting conflicting commands. Put your hands on your head, interlock your fingers, get down on the ground, don't look at me, back up towards my voice, move to the left, no move to your left. Cross your legs, get down on your stomach, put your arms out like an airplane.
Put your left foot in, take your right hand out and shake it all about - What the heck is going on? Do we really need felony stop suspects trying to follow along with the Hokey Pokey?
I'm not sure how we got this way but as Derrius Franklin showed us confusion can be deadly.
Let's stop the madness:
Nationally we need to adopt "One Command Only" - HANDS UP DO NOT MOVE!
From that point on a compliant suspect should understand that he is safe as long as he doesn't move a centimeter. Law Enforcement needs to make if clear if you move, lower your hands or even speak you will be killed.
Officers need to take the risk with a compliant suspect and be willing to approach regardless of where the suspect is located, be it in a chair, sitting on a curb, standing, or even crouching as Franklin was beside a car.
The object of this One Command Only effort is two fold:
First to get the public to comply by having nationally understood command thereby eliminating countless OIS deaths.
Second to give Police Officers clear guidance and eliminate the question of was the death of the suspect necessary.
As with the old westerns where "stick em up" became the mantra of all robbers victims understood that hands go up and not to move.
We need to make it simple because the level of drug use and anger is put of control. This way if an Officer needs to end a life there will be no question. The suspect had one command only to obey and he chose to not.
Anyone care to comment?
Cedar's Take:
As the public and elected officials demand more accountability of police officers there needs to be some solid ground and a firm line drawn. The boots on the street deserve something to back them up since their judgement seems to be no longer valid. Hands Up - Do Not Move does just that. A clear unquestionable command with clear un questionable consequences if not followed. As simple as "stick em up" in Hollywood Westerns of the 1950's and 60's.
If you don't put your hands up, if you move, you will be shot dead. Period we cannot let the violent offenders dictate the situation.
Come on Cedar. You know what’ll happen. “Hands up Don’t move”
“ maaan why I gotta do that? Cracka ass mofo”.
121, you can also hear..
"What are my charges? What you tryna do to me? Why you tryna cuff me, nigga cracka?"
I think Cedar has a point make it black and white (lol) if every officer used the same "command" and if the perp didn't follow the clear command he was fired on. Maybe the MFs would get the message. Because the stop resisting plea ain't working.
"I'm not sure how we got this way but as Derrius Franklin showed us confusion can be deadly."
Meant to state "Danquirs Franklin". Now sane logical review of that body cam footage, it is hard to see how anyone could have been confused with the repeated over and over again verbal commands from Kerl and Deal stating - "Put the gun down!". "Put the weapon down!"
What did y’alls IA do with those 2? I remember seeing that on the news. Our agency would’ve fired both officers
IA did nothing, the shooting was ruled justifed. Now had either of them dropped an f can bet your sweet ass they would have got at least three weeks off.
6:11 I don't think a one command directive would have changed the outcome of the Franklin shooting it was clear that Franklin was not thinking clearly. But it would provide a solid reason for firing a weapon. He moved. The trouble I see is if he's raising his hands with the weapon we are at risk. If he has the weapon in his hands and his hands are up and no other commands are given do you then approach? Id he drops the weapon is that movement and a green light to engage? But maybe if we had a national one command and the dumbasses understood the next thing was a bullet maybe they'd sober up. One thing good about this idea is it provides solid reason to shoot. Movement any movement. Seems fair to me.
I think it would be a good idea because most of them don't understand and can't speak the English language anyway so giving them too many directions is pointless. One officer giving the command would help instead of everyone all screaming at the same time.
Using too many words and using too of big words they don't understand like "resisting" ain't going to work. "Shut up and don't move!" is fairly simple command that any idiot should be able to follow.
You get what you get! If the idiot hadn't been there with a gun in the first place he'd still be alive. A fine example of an upstanding citizen!
Motherfuckers, my shift has 5 people. I will talk how I want to talk.
It’s so sad that in 2020 we need to examine our verbiage as to not make the 6 o’clock news. In my day a uniformed officer with a gun pointed at me was pretty self explanatory... stop doing what you doing. No, now we gotta have the correct words or the UOF is wrong. It’s moving toward the perp literally has to fire at you before you can return fire. That’s where this is headed. I can see it now.. “officer, why did you shoot? Just because he didn’t drop the gun didn’t mean he was going to use it on you”
9:56 I hear ya. But I got to tell you most of these MoFos around here can't process the fact that you have your weapon pointed center mass and that 1/1000th of a second from now their heart is going to be a puddle of strawberry jello and non-functional. I've had so many officers tell me the same thing over and over again. I drew my weapon and he just kept coming or running or mouthing off. You'd think they'd go whoa and put their hands up. I swear most are so fucking high they can't process this. So if I yell Hands-Up Don't Move that's gonna be pretty damn audible on the tape and if the MoFo doesn't throw his hands straight up or if afterward he makes a move I'm going unload on him. All works for me. No more I didn't understand the command or I was confused or he only had a cellphone or nothing. Just do it or die. Yep I'm good with that!
Where is Amy Stuckey? She knows what do with a gun!
When in doubt take them out.
Some of y'all need to learn to play nice.
“GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND” should be the national, universal command. People just don’t comply with Sir or Ma’am anymore.
I love the ones who are screaming go ahead and shoot me! Call me crazy but the white one mean it the black one have this look like whoa you know I dunno what I'm saying cuz I'm just a dumbass darkie.
US Marine and former CMPD Officer here. Having been all over the world I can state for a fact our police (country wide) have been neutered and right now as a country we look weak to the rest of the world. Go to Russia and resist a cop. See what happens. In some of the 3rd world hell holes on this planet the police don’t take no shit. You resist and they will beat the ass off you. No lawsuits and no protests. These millennials with their phony outrage and offense are ruining this country and the supposed leaders in our city cave to them every time. When are the leaders gonna grow some balls and tell these bastards where to go?
1828 hours,
You and I both know that these people would never be working here if this was a real police department like Russia. This place gets people due to recession job seekers and D&I quotas.
We need to go back to how we policed in the old days. Honest citizens black or white has nothing to fear, only the scum of our society. Now, no one fears us and that leads to lawlessness
Ok. I’m a black male.. been so since birth so I’m not a Rachel Dolezol identifying as black. Let me say this. I’m ashamed of our community nation wide. We seem to be the only ethnic group that gets butt hurt over every single injustice or perceived injustice. The clown that died in Rochester... your gonna protest that??? That fool was high on PCP!!! We don’t see Irish, Italian or Jews going to the streets when one or their people dies in police custody. Back of my mind I’m thinking this fool made some life choices that led to this. Don’t put that on the police
I guess what I’m saying is we are going to be known as cry babies for years to come. All this foolishness set black folks back another 100 years cause all people is gonna remember is how we took to the streets to protest i.e riot and loot cause of some fool that made poor choices in life and now we like bigger fools are gonna chant the name like their some kinda martyr. I’m sorry but I raise my sons better than that. You make dumb decisions in life, like get high on PCP, you live with the consequences.. ain’t the polices fault.
I remember when Megyn Kelly was calling us "very poorly trained" on FoxNews. When FoxNews doesn't have our backs, then who does???
These are crazy times.
Activists, outhouse attorneys, armchair strategists, politicians, and people with no training or experience setting rules for cops get more of them killed than anyone.
83 Homicides with a little less then 4 months to go to the end of the year. Holidays rolling in also. Need 42 more to match the record. Lets go folks!!! Election time will probably be the best chance to do it.
^^And yet the most important thing on the minds of those in command is hemming officers up for not having 30 second buffers, using a four letter word during a non citizen involved interaction that is on BWC and shaving directive.
How many days off does dropping an f bomb get you nowadays? Is it the same amount of days as getting sucked off while on duty? Or knowingly letting a convicted felon drive your personal vehicle? What were the outcome of those two boards? Did they even get to a board???
Cedar you tweeted a series of photos from a BLM protest were pepper spray was used the protester took a direct hit and then ran into a tree head first. Is that the same protestor that spit on officers? I have not heard or seen where CMPD has stated that spitting was the reason. I'd certainly think spitting on officers demand some response and arrest.
Just wondering.
Getting head on duty will earn you a gold oak leaf cluster! Head for everyone!!!
Hi everyone,
I have been thinking about joining CMPD and I am currently finishing my degree at Gaston Community College.
Is there anything that I should be aware of before signing up at CMPD? Is there anything that I should practice or train at? Thank you for your assistance.
2:47 I'm going to assume you are serious and that you have indeed lost your mind. I'd start by applying everywhere but CMPD. Try the Feds both states LE I'd look anywhere and everywhere and if I was turned down everywhere before I'd apply with CMPD I'd take my happy ass down to Beaufort, South Carolina look for the signs that say Parris Island Recruit Depot and surrender myself to the United States Marine Corps.
Walmart is also hiring. As previously stated, anywhere but CMPD. You will thank us later....
247 there’s not enough space to type what u gotta practice to make it here. if u r good at sucking ass and kissing dick to move up the ranks then go for it. if u r gay or transgender or non binary or a minority u have a leg up. no one in their right mind should come to this place. but it will ease your mind to know that if u fit one of the affore mentioned groups u can do just about anything, even getting your knob slobbed on duty or make a sex tape and u will not only maintain employment but be promoted as well. if u don’t belong to a minority class then watch what u say and what u do because it will be held against u.
may god have mercy on your soul and welcome to cmpd!
I heard we lost 10 more this week. How many officers are we down now? And where is everyone going??
2:47: You seem like a nice kid. This place is wack. This link shows the type of people that are being hired for our next academy class. I would try Concord if you are looking for a nice balance.
2:47 It's not all bad but its a shit hole. I honestly wanted to say something positive sadly there's nothing positive to say. Maybe apply just for the experience of applying. Good Luck with whatever choice you make. The peanut gallery here will support you. And keep your head down.
^^^ 12:51. Let’s cut the crap. It all boils down to the hierarchy of victimhood. If your black, gay, Muslim etc you can get along pretty good out here. If you are a straight white male, sure they may hire you but you won’t last. First F-Up you’re on the short list to get axed. Don’t believe me? Ask around.
1:07 may sound like an angry old white guy and probably is and well he's right.
1:55. White or not we’re all angry. These are the same assholes that wanna take down statues and now all of a sudden we’re all having to prove we’re not racist. You wanna talk white privilege, how bout the privilege you have to call me a cracker ass honky with no repercussions but should I use the N word, even quoting someone else and I’m gone. Hows that equal Gibbs?!
All of Rochester PD’s command staff up and resigned. Never in a million years will the illiterates in our command staff retire. They’re gonna hold on to that power as long as they can.
@3:00...why you hating on Gibbs she deserves everything she is achieved in the Dept and even keeps her West Charlotte roots as she sits in the IA ivory tower by allowing convicted felons to drive her car with complete impunity.
So why does the local news give Gibbs a free pass?
i mean duh, she’s afam
Thank you for the advice about CMPD and Concord PD. Does CMPD leadership support Trump? I saw the old chief said he wasn't his president. That sex video and blowjob stuff sounds like some crazy cop stuff. I don't know if I should come on board with that stuff around me.
Thank you for your service.
8:16. Uhhh no... all Dems and it shows in their decision making. They’re all blissfully ignorant
8:16 it is a big department and shit happens. Pretty clear any vote for democrats if a vote for a neutered police department.
Braxton Winston is swimming against the tide at these city council meetings he's the only one who did not attend yesterday's CLTCC meeting in person. Where do you think he is? Portland? DC? NYC?
Trump said he was cutting off 100% funding to sanctuary cities. Charlotte is a sanctuary city, so they are set to loose 100s of millions.
WTF Gary?
Question. Is it bad that I want to see the lady from the New Day USA commercials topless? At first I’m like, yeah I need to refinance my house .. but then I’m like, how bout you take your top off? Is that wrong?
Tatiana Lia Zappardino yeah I could see that.
She’s got nice lips. You know who else has nice lips? Gibbs.
Just can't make the blacks happy no matter what is done. Now the city is going to dump millions into the ghetto and they are already complaining about possible gentrification? One lady who was wearing a BLM mask was interviewed and said that she was afraid to shop on Beatties Ford. I wonder why? Whitey sure as hell ain't hanging out there! You would think they would welcome some white folks into the area..
Every business that gets put over there gets robbed blind. Blue Blaze Brewery got hit up by the da crew and everyone got put on the floor. That woman is only telling the truth. With Lt Cochran leaving the community, things will probably get worse.
You ever notice how blacks have every single government program catered to them and they still can’t succeed? Indians, Chinese, Japanese etc. they all make it in this country without handouts and hell half the time they don’t even speak good English. Why is that???
^^^. and even with all that they still complain that the USA is systematically racist. Most people know this is all horseshit. How can we hand out food stamps, WIC, section 8, affirmative action etc and you still not be grateful? My grandparents came over from Ireland with zero money and still made a living without taking a dime from the government. My how things have changed.
401, even black people know to not do business in the Ford. They know to take the bus to the southside and work over there. A gas station job is a suicide mission. The station at Newland Road and Lasalle is a turkey on thanksgiving.
6:27. You think half the black supervisors and command staff would be where they are without being black?? I don’t think so. I say we bring the promotion process back to how it was years ago. More than half these people don’t need to be cops let alone supervisors. I have nothing against working for a black boss but some of the decisions being made... makes you wonder how they got there
* cough Patterson cough
Speaking of promotions, what about the pledge fund? Any news?
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